I stumbled across this image online. I couldn’t resist re-posting it.
About Me
- Welcome to my website. I'm a full-time web developer in Northern California. I do everything from CSS to PHP to server administration, and I love what I do. I'm currently developing several Buddypress/Wordpress plugins, as I think it is a great CMS platform. Feel free to drop me a line: My Email address is my first name appended to this domain name ;-)
- Vim TipsWant to collapse some text and free up some editing space? While in command mode press "z" followed by any movement command. Those lines of text will be "folded". For example: press "z5j" to fold the next 5 lines. Here's one I like: Move to an open parenthesis. Then type "zf%" to fold everything between it and it's matching closing parenthesis.
heh. Awesome!