I often find myself quickly needing the 1-way encrypted value (hash) of a string. Most often, it’s to securely store an individual password into a database or script. Rather than temporarily hard-coding the plain text to see what PHP will generate, I wrote a little reusable script to generate hash values. Anyone who might find it useful can find it here. If you’re paranoid about security, you can find a secure version here, although you may get a warning about my self-signed certificate.
About Me
- Welcome to my website. I'm a full-time web developer in Northern California. I do everything from CSS to PHP to server administration, and I love what I do. I'm currently developing several Buddypress/Wordpress plugins, as I think it is a great CMS platform. Feel free to drop me a line: My Email address is my first name appended to this domain name ;-)
- Vim TipsIf you're typing in insert mode and you just want to make a single movement command, Use Ctrl-o instead of escape, it'll put you back in insert mode aftward.